Invitations Etc. has been producing unique and fluid designs for over 19 years. We offer services for Save the Dates, Wedding Invitations, Thank You cards and day of wedding needs such as programs, place cards, and signage.
Whatever your style needs are for your big day....whether it is elegant, regal, simple, trendy....we have something for everyone.
Steve is your lead designer and he is ready to help!
A very common question....but that is always totally up to our guests. This is paper, and it's going in the garbage...but you want it to look good without breaking the bank and that is our goal too. How else do you think we have been around for over 18 years?
If we are not saving you $ you won't be talking about us right? ;)
We utilize the best presses and printers in the business and offer options such as foil, thermography, letterpress, embossing, and more. Quality products at an affordable price with an average turnaround of 2-3 weeks for wedding invitations in most cases. We have a print option for EVERY budget and we keep cost in mind when working with you! Just read our reviews below, we know what makes you happy! Please note that in the print industry, delays and supply shortages can occur so knowing this should encourage you to make your appointment sooner rather than later so that you stay ahead of the game but we understand this is not always possible so set your appointment and let us see what we can do to help you!
Invitations Etc. is owned by Steve & Michele and is not a chain. We offer a fun, relaxing, and unique environment for you to join us in the quest of finding that perfect design and look for your wedding invitations. We are by appointment only to provide you with THE most attentive service and to keep your time with us all about you! Average appointment time takes about 45 minutes to an hour, our approach is super efficient...we know you have other things to be doing I mean you are planning a wedding for goodness sakes! PLUS...don't worry about high pressure....Steve is the most easy going person you will meet and is just there to show you all he can do, help you figure out realistic costs....and get you on your way to a printed masterpiece if you decide to work with him.
When setting your appointment first check the "Before You Make Your Appointment" section right above the contact form below for any news of Steve's unavailability but please be aware that Steve books extremely fast regardless and only on rare occasions can he book you the same week that you submit your appointment but it can happen! It is vital that you give him as many available days/times as you can so that he can get you in on the first opening that matches your schedule, but we ask that you give us your availability for the following week.
Please utilize an email address that you check daily when making your appointment. We have a quick response time so be on the lookout for emails from "Invitations Etc." in our inbox or spam folder if nothing appears in your inbox.
Please provide multiple availability options for the current and following weeks, Mondays - Saturdays, so that we can best match you up with what is available.
235 West Wilson Street, Batavia, IL 60510
(630)326-9546 | Steve@InvEtc.com For appointments, please submit form above, a verbal quote doesn't allow us to figure out how to save you money but trust us, after your appointment we will CERTAINLY help you figure out how to cut your costs!